Low Demand for Jobs = Higher Chance for H-1B Applicants
CNNfn.com has an interesting article on the H-1B visas demand for this April’s H-1B quota. The article cites the weak economy, the H-1B restrictions imposed recently on TARP recipients and the bankruptcy of Satyam Computer Services (which filed ~2,000 H-1Bs in 2008) as one of the reasons that the H-1B demand will be weakest in years. The article suggests that it may take several weeks to fill the entire H-1B quota this April (as opposed to a few days over the past years).
We do not have good estimates that the H-1B demand will be less than the 65,000 (plus additional 20,000) and as a result there will not be a lottery to distribute the available visa. However, we do agree wholeheartedly with the article that the H-1B demand this April is likely to be the weakest it has been in many years.
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The Capitol Immigration Law Group has been serving the business community for over 15 years and is one of the most widely respected immigration law firms focused solely on U.S. employment-based immigration. Disclaimer: we make all efforts to provide timely and accurate information; however, the information in this article may become outdated or may not be applicable to a specific set of facts. It is not to be construed as legal advice.