
Report Highlights Increase in USCIS Denial Rates for L-1 and H-1B Petitions

In a recent report the National Foundation for American Policy (which claims to be a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to public policy research on trade, immigration, education, and other issues of national importance) has analyzed the USCIS rates of issuing requests for evidence (RFE) and denials of L-1 and H-1B petition over the past several [...]

By |2017-05-20T21:48:00-04:00March 15th, 2012|Articles, Employers, H-1B, L-1, News, Policy|

FY2012 H-1B Cap Limit Approaching — What Happens When the Cap is Reached?

Throughout the H-1B cap filing season (which opened back in April), we have been providing updates on the available H-1B cap numbers.   Over the past few weeks, we have been also issuing alerts (on our website, via our newsletter and through our twitter and facebook pages) on the upcoming H-1B cap limit. Partially as a [...]

By |2017-05-20T21:48:07-04:00November 17th, 2011|Articles, Employers, H-1B, News|

FY2012 H-1B Numbers Update – 56,300 Regular Cap Visas Used; Master’s Cap Reached; Last Call for H-1B Cap Cases (November 14, 2011)

USCIS just released the information on the numbers of cap-subject FY2012 H-1Bs filed since April 1.   As November 14, 2011, USCIS has received approximately 56,300 H-1B petitions counting toward the 65,000 cap (an increase of 7,100 over the previous two weeks).  Similarly, as of November 14, there were 20,000 H-1B visas filed subject to the [...]

By |2011-11-15T14:42:00-05:00November 15th, 2011|Articles, Employers, H-1B, News|

FY2012 H-1B Numbers Update – 49,200 Regular Cap Visas Used; Master’s Cap Reached; Last Call for H-1B Cap Cases (October 28, 2011)

USCIS just released the information on the numbers of cap-subject FY2012 H-1Bs filed since April 1.   As of October 28, 2011, USCIS has received approximately 49,200 H-1B petitions counting toward the 65,000 cap (an increase of 3,000 over the previous week).  Similarly, as of October 28, there were 20,000 H-1B visas filed subject to the [...]

By |2011-11-02T10:53:03-04:00November 2nd, 2011|Articles, Employers, H-1B, News|

Does Change in H-1B Work Location Require an H-1B Amendment, in Addition to a New LCA?

Our office handles a substantial number of H-1B work visa petitions for a variety of U.S. employers and we often share our direct experiences with the H-1B work visa program.   This article is intended to share our experience with H-1B work visa petitions where there is a change of the job location once the H-1B [...]

By |2017-05-20T21:48:08-04:00October 20th, 2011|Articles, Employers, H-1B, News, Policy|

H-1B SSN Audit Report: Substantial Percentage of H-1B SSN Cases May Involve Fraud

In a September 2011 audit report on the use of Social Security Numbers (SSNs) by H-1B temporary workers, the Office of Inspector General (OIC) claims that a substantial percentage of H-1B cases may involve some amount of irregularity or fraud.   OIG based its review on a random sample of 200 H-1B cases from the 38,546 [...]

By |2017-05-20T21:48:09-04:00September 19th, 2011|Articles, Employers, H-1B, News|

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