
Do I Have to File H-1B Amendment When Changing (Remote) Worksite Locations?

With the recent increase of remote or hybrid work arrangements, and the return to office to third-party client sites, we would like to provide a reminder of the relevant H-1B rules for compliance when changing (or having already [...]

By |2024-04-25T12:14:35-04:00September 6th, 2023|Articles, Employers, H-1B, News, News Alert|

How to Handle H-1B Revocations Due to Multiple H-1B Cap Registrations

Many of our readers are aware of the extraordinary demand for first-time H-1B "cap" registrations over the past few years and especially after USCIS introduced a pre-registration system during the 2021 fiscal year.      Under the previous H-1B "cap" filing system, a petition would have to prepare and submit a full H-1B petition (with [...]

By |2024-10-17T07:48:29-04:00August 25th, 2023|Articles, H-1B, News, News Alert|

Second H-1B Cap Lottery Completed; Newly Selected Petitions Must Be Filed by October 31st

USCIS has just completed the second round of the H-1B cap selection lottery and notified the selected applicants. The August 2023 selection round was due to the fact that a (significant) number of H-1B cap registrations [...]

By |2023-08-22T11:20:08-04:00August 22nd, 2023|Articles, H-1B, News, News Alert|

Staggering Number of H-1B Cap Registrations and USCIS Efforts to Combat Fraud

USCIS has finally released details of the numbers of H-1B cap registrations for the upcoming fiscal year and the numbers are well above expectations in a number of ways.   USCIS reported that out of a total of 780,888 [...]

By |2023-05-11T10:42:36-04:00May 11th, 2023|Articles, H-1B, News, News Alert|

Is It Better to Work Using H-4 EAD or H-1B?

Since the H-4 EAD rule became effective in May 2015, our office has assisted many eligible H-4 spouses secure work authorization under the H-4 EAD program. We continue to applaud USCIS’s efforts to allow certain H-4 spouses to apply for [...]

By |2023-11-09T10:01:09-05:00January 11th, 2023|Articles, H-1B, H-4 EAD, News|

How to Increase the H-1B Cap Lottery Chances of Success This Year?

With the approaching H-1B cap filing season, one of the most common concerns we are hearing from both prospective H-1B employers and candidates is about the H-1B cap lottery and the fact that the random lottery does not provide a great chance of an H-1B application being selected for review. Our office has handled thousands [...]

By |2023-01-20T16:40:03-05:00January 10th, 2023|Articles, F-1, H-1B, News, Students|

How to Handle (or Prevent) H-4 Denial Due to Prior Employer’s H-1B Revocation

Our office has been receiving an increasing number of inquiries and reports of situations where USCIS would deny a pending I-539 H-4 application (sometimes with a concurrent I-765 H-4 EAD) based on a prior employer’s H-1B petition [...]

By |2022-09-15T08:20:04-04:00September 15th, 2022|Articles, H-1B, H-4 EAD, News, News Alert|

FY2023 H-1B Cap Reached Without Subsequent Lottery Rounds and Selections

USCIS announced that as of August 23, 2022 they have reached the H-1B cap limit for fiscal year 2023 (FY 2023).  This means that they will not be conducting additional lottery rounds of selection like they have been doing in past years; this also means that all H-1B cap registrants who were not selected under [...]

By |2022-08-23T15:29:55-04:00August 23rd, 2022|Articles, H-1B, News, News Alert|

USCIS Restrictions on Multiple H-1B Cap Petitions for Same Beneficiary by Related Employers

Update:  March 2024.   Starting FY2025 H-1B cap season, USCIS will switch to beneficiary-centric selection process which will count each beneficiary only once for registration selection purposes.  See more details about the new rule. Update:  March 2022.   Starting FY2023 H-1B cap season, USCIS requires H-1B registrant employers to make an additional attestation which reads, I further [...]

By |2024-02-01T10:17:51-05:00March 3rd, 2022|Articles, H-1B, News, News Alert, Policy, USCIS|

Third H-1B Cap Lottery Completed; Newly Selected Petitions Must Be Filed by February 23rd

USCIS has just completed the third round of the H-1B cap selection lottery and notified the selected applicants. The November 2021 selection round was due to the fact that a (still significant) number of H-1B cap [...]

By |2021-11-22T08:18:27-05:00November 22nd, 2021|Articles, H-1B, News, News Alert|

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