
Helpful H-1B Filing Tips

We have written before about the H-1B quote of 65,000 which opens on April 1, 2008 for starting employment date of October 1, 2008. We anticipate that the entire quota will be used on the first day of the filing, therefore it becomes important to make sure the filing is done correctly.

By |2010-01-01T17:14:33-05:00February 5th, 2008|H-1B, News|

Starting Own Company on H-1B Visa

Many H-1B visa holders are asking the question, “Can I start my own company while I am on H-1B visa?” The short answer is “No, because the terms of the H-1B visa allow a foreign national to work only for the sponsoring employer. However, a foreign national may have other options.

By |2010-01-01T17:14:34-05:00January 25th, 2008|H-1B, News|

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