Paper Visa Applications Eliminated
The Department of State has published a final rule which, effectively April 29, 2008, eliminates the paper visa application and requires that all non-immigrant visa applications to be submitted electronically.
Until the new rule went into effect, U.S. consulates required applicants for non-immigrant visas to fill out an electronic application, then print, sign, and bring the paper to the consulate. The new procedure eliminates the printing and signing. A non-immigrant visa applicant will have to fill out and submit the application electronically. The ink signature is replaced by electronic signature where applicants will have to check the box designated as “Sign Application” found within the certification section of the application.
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The Capitol Immigration Law Group has been serving the business community for over 15 years and is one of the most widely respected immigration law firms focused solely on U.S. employment-based immigration. Disclaimer: we make all efforts to provide timely and accurate information; however, the information in this article may become outdated or may not be applicable to a specific set of facts. It is not to be construed as legal advice.